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Pipelining operations using a functional approach

The neuroim2 packages provides a set of functions that allows one to split image data in various ways to processing data split into parts. By breaking a dataset up into pieces, we can also more easily parallelize certain operations.

Splitting an image into connected components

First we load in an example volume, assign it random values, and find its connected components with a threshold of .9

      file_name <- system.file("extdata", "global_mask_v4.nii", package="neuroim2")
      vol <- read_vol(file_name)
      mask.idx <- which(vol>0)
      vol2 <- vol
      vol2[mask.idx] <- runif(length(mask.idx))
      comp <- conn_comp(vol2, threshold=.8)
      plot(comp$index, zlevels=seq(1,25,by=3), cmap=rainbow(255))

Now we want to find the average value in each of the connected components using the split_clusters function. Since conn_comp returns a ClusteredNeuroVol containing the cluster indices, we use that to split the original volume into a list of ROIVols and compute the mean over each one.

mvals <- vol2 %>% split_clusters(comp$index) %>% map_dbl( ~ mean(.))

Suppose we want to compute the local standard deviation within a 4mm radius of each voxel. We can use the searchlight function to construct a list of spherical ROIs centered on every voxel in the input set.

sdvol <- vol %>% searchlight(radius=5, eager=TRUE) %>% map_dbl( ~ sd(.)) 
sdvol <- NeuroVol(sdvol, space=space(vol), indices=which(vol!=0))
plot(sdvol, cmap=rainbow(255))

Another thing we might to is compute the k nearest neighbors in each searchlight and replace the center voxel with the average intensity of its neighbors:

k <- 12
knnfvol <- vol2 %>% searchlight(radius=6, eager=TRUE) %>% map_dbl(function(x) {
  ind <- order((x[x@center_index] - values(x)^2))[1:k]
}) %>% NeuroVol(space=space(vol), indices=which(vol!=0))
plot(knnfvol, cmap=rainbow(255))

If we only need access to the searchlight coordinates (in voxel space), we can use the searchlight_coords function. Here, we simply replace the center voxel with the average of its neighbors in searchlight space:

avgvol <- vol %>% searchlight_coords(radius=12, nonzero=TRUE) %>% map_dbl(function(x) {
  vals <- vol[x]
}) %>% NeuroVol(space=space(vol), indices=which(vol!=0))
plot(avgvol, cmap=rainbow(2), zlevels=seq(1,25,by=3))

Mapping a function over every slice of a NeuroVol

Suppose we want to split up an image volume by slice and apply a function to each slice. We can use the slices function to achieve this as follows:

slice_means <- vol %>% slices %>% map_dbl(~ mean(.))
plot(slice_means, type='l', ylab="mean intensity", xlab="slice number")

Mapping a function over each volume of a NeuroVec object

vec <- concat(vol,vol,vol,vol,vol)
#> DenseNeuroVec (3.91 bytes MB)
#> - Spatial Info ---------------------------
#> | Dimensions    : 64 x 64 x 25 (5 timepoints)
#> | Total Voxels  : 102,400
#> | Spacing       : 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.7
#> - Properties ---------------------------
#> | Origin        : 112 x -108 x -46.2
#> | Orientation   : Right-to-Left Posterior-to-Anterior Inferior-to-Superior
#> - Statistics ---------------------------
#>     Mean +/- SD    : 0.288 +/- 0.453
#> Label: none
mean_vec <- vec %>% vols %>% map_dbl(~ mean(.))
sd_vec <- vec %>% vols %>% map_dbl(~ sd(.))
assert_that(length(mean_vec) == dim(vec)[4])
#> [1] TRUE
assert_that(length(sd_vec) == dim(vec)[4])
#> [1] TRUE

Mapping a function over each vector of a NeuroVec object

vec <- concat(vol,vol,vol,vol,vol)
#> DenseNeuroVec (3.91 bytes MB)
#> - Spatial Info ---------------------------
#> | Dimensions    : 64 x 64 x 25 (5 timepoints)
#> | Total Voxels  : 102,400
#> | Spacing       : 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.7
#> - Properties ---------------------------
#> | Origin        : 112 x -108 x -46.2
#> | Orientation   : Right-to-Left Posterior-to-Anterior Inferior-to-Superior
#> - Statistics ---------------------------
#>     Mean +/- SD    : 0.288 +/- 0.453
#> Label: none
mean_vol <- vec %>% vectors() %>% map_dbl(~ mean(.)) %>% NeuroVol(., space=space(vol))
assert_that(all(dim(mean_vol) == dim(vol)))
#> [1] TRUE