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This function generates a searchlight iterator that iterates over successive spatial clusters in an image volume. It allows for the exploration of spatially clustered regions within the provided mask by using either a pre-defined clustered volume or performing k-means clustering to generate the clusters.


clustered_searchlight(mask, cvol = NULL, csize = NULL)



A NeuroVol object representing the brain mask, containing valid central voxels for the roving searchlight.


An optional ClusteredNeuroVol instance representing pre-defined clusters within the mask. If provided, the 'csize' parameter is ignored.


An optional integer specifying the number of clusters to be generated using k-means clustering (ignored if cvol is provided).


A deferred_list object containing ROIVol objects, each representing a clustered region within the image volume.


# Load an example brain mask
mask <- read_vol(system.file("extdata", "global_mask.nii", package="neuroim2"))

# Generate a clustered searchlight iterator with 5 clusters
if (FALSE) {
clust_searchlight <- clustered_searchlight(mask, csize = 5)