Cut an object into a list of spatial or spatiotemporal clusters
, R/clustervol.R
, R/neurovec.R
This function cuts an object into a list of sub-objects based on a vector of cluster indices. The resulting list contains each of the clusters as separate objects.
These methods split a NeuroVec object into multiple ROIVec objects based on cluster assignments.
split_clusters(x, clusters, ...)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVec,ClusteredNeuroVol'
split_clusters(x, clusters, ...)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVec,integer'
split_clusters(x, clusters, ...)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVol,ClusteredNeuroVol'
split_clusters(x, clusters)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVol,integer'
split_clusters(x, clusters)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVol,numeric'
split_clusters(x, clusters)
# S4 method for class 'ClusteredNeuroVol,missing'
split_clusters(x, clusters)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVec,integer'
split_clusters(x, clusters, ...)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVec,numeric'
split_clusters(x, clusters, ...)
# S4 method for class 'NeuroVec,ClusteredNeuroVol'
split_clusters(x, clusters, ...)
There are two methods for splitting clusters:
Using a ClusteredNeuroVol object: This method uses the pre-defined clusters in the ClusteredNeuroVol object.
Using an integer vector: This method allows for custom cluster assignments.
Both methods return a deflist, which is a lazy-loading list of ROIVec objects.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Create a synthetic 3D volume and its NeuroSpace
space <- NeuroSpace(c(10, 10, 10))
vol_data <- array(rnorm(10 * 10 * 10), dim = c(10, 10, 10))
neuro_vec <- NeuroVec(vol_data, space)
# Create a binary mask (e.g., select voxels with values > 0)
mask_data <- vol_data > 0
mask_vol <- LogicalNeuroVol(mask_data, space)
# Extract indices and coordinates for the masked voxels
mask_idx <- which(mask_data)
coords <- index_to_coord(mask_vol, mask_idx)
# Perform k-means clustering on the coordinates (e.g., 3 clusters)
set.seed(123) # for reproducibility
k_res <- kmeans(coords, centers = 3)
# Create a ClusteredNeuroVol using the mask and k-means cluster assignments
clustered_vol <- ClusteredNeuroVol(mask_vol, k_res$cluster)
# Split the NeuroVec by clusters using the ClusteredNeuroVol method
split_result_clust <- split_clusters(neuro_vec, clustered_vol)
# Calculate and print the mean value for each cluster
means_clust <- sapply(split_result_clust, function(x) mean(values(x)))
# Alternatively, create an integer vector of cluster assignments:
cluster_assignments <- numeric(prod(dim(space)))
cluster_assignments[mask_idx] <- k_res$cluster
split_result_int <- split_clusters(neuro_vec, as.integer(cluster_assignments))
# Verify that both splitting methods yield the same cluster means
means_int <- sapply(split_result_int, function(x) mean(values(x)))
print(all.equal(sort(means_clust), sort(means_int)))
} # }
# Create a simple example space and data
space <- NeuroSpace(c(10, 10, 10,4))
data <- array(rnorm(1000*4), dim = c(10, 10, 10,4))
vec <- NeuroVec(data, space)
# Create a mask for clustering (e.g., values > 0)
mask <- vec[,,,1] > 0
mask_vol <- LogicalNeuroVol(as.array(mask), NeuroSpace(c(10, 10, 10)))
# Get coordinates of masked voxels for clustering
mask_idx <- which(mask)
coords <- index_to_coord(mask_vol, mask_idx)
# Perform clustering on the coordinates (3 clusters for example)
set.seed(123) # for reproducibility
kmeans_result <- kmeans(coords, centers = 3)
# Create a ClusteredNeuroVol
clustered_vol <- ClusteredNeuroVol(mask_vol, kmeans_result$cluster)
# Split the NeuroVec by clusters
split_result <- split_clusters(vec, clustered_vol)
# Calculate mean value for each cluster
cluster_means <- sapply(split_result, function(x) mean(values(x)))
#> [1] 0.1365823 0.2027859 0.2112342
# Alternative: using integer cluster assignments
cluster_indices <- numeric(prod(dim(space)[1:3]))
cluster_indices[mask_idx] <- kmeans_result$cluster
split_result2 <- split_clusters(vec, as.integer(cluster_indices))
# Verify both methods give same results
cluster_means2 <- sapply(split_result2, function(x) mean(values(x)))
print(all.equal(sort(cluster_means), sort(cluster_means2)))
#> [1] TRUE