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The NeuroSpace class defines the spatial properties and coordinate system of neuroimaging data. It encapsulates all information needed to map between voxel indices and real-world coordinates, including dimensions, voxel spacing, origin, axis orientation, and coordinate transformations.


NeuroSpace(dim, spacing = NULL, origin = NULL, axes = NULL, trans = NULL)



An integer vector specifying the dimensions of the image grid. Must be positive.


A numeric vector specifying the physical size of each voxel (typically in millimeters). Must be positive. If NULL, defaults to ones.


A numeric vector specifying the real-world coordinates of the first voxel. If NULL, defaults to zeros.


An AxisSet object defining the orientation and ordering of the coordinate axes. If NULL, defaults to standard neurological convention (Left-Posterior-Inferior for 3D).


A transformation matrix mapping voxel indices to world coordinates. If NULL, constructed from spacing and origin.


A new NeuroSpace object


Spatial Reference System for Neuroimaging Data

Coordinate Systems

NeuroSpace manages two coordinate systems:

  • Voxel coordinates: Zero-based indices into the image grid

  • World coordinates: Real-world coordinates (typically in millimeters)

The transformation between these systems is defined by:

  • Voxel spacing (physical size of voxels)

  • Origin (world coordinates of first voxel)

  • Axis orientation (how image axes map to anatomical directions)


The constructor performs extensive validation:

  • All dimensions must be positive integers

  • All spacing values must be positive

  • Origin and spacing must have matching lengths

  • Transformation matrix must be invertible


For details on neuroimaging coordinate systems:

  • Brett, M., Johnsrude, I. S., & Owen, A. M. (2002). The problem of functional localization in the human brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 3(3), 243-249.

  • Evans, A. C., et al. (1993). 3D statistical neuroanatomical models from 305 MRI volumes. Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.

See also

AxisSet for axis orientation specification, coord_to_index for coordinate conversion, index_to_coord for inverse coordinate conversion, NeuroObj for objects using NeuroSpace


# Create a standard 3D space (64x64x40 voxels, 2mm isotropic)
space_3d <- NeuroSpace(
  dim = c(64L, 64L, 40L),
  spacing = c(2, 2, 2),
  origin = c(-90, -126, -72)

# Check properties
dim(space_3d)           # Image dimensions
#> [1] 64 64 40
spacing(space_3d)       # Voxel sizes
#> [1] 2 2 2
origin(space_3d)        # World-space origin
#> [1]  -90 -126  -72

# Create a 2D slice space
space_2d <- NeuroSpace(
  dim = c(128L, 128L),
  spacing = c(1.5, 1.5),
  origin = c(-96, -96)

# Convert between coordinate systems
world_coords <- c(0, 0, 0)
vox_idx <- coord_to_index(space_3d, world_coords)
back_to_world <- index_to_coord(space_3d, vox_idx)