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A class used to produce a SparseNeuroVec instance. It encapsulates the necessary information to create a sparse representation of a 4D neuroimaging dataset.


SparseNeuroVecSource acts as a factory for SparseNeuroVec objects. It holds the spatial mask that determines which voxels will be included in the sparse representation. This class is typically used in data loading or preprocessing pipelines where the sparse structure of the data is known or determined before the full dataset is loaded.



An object of class LogicalNeuroVol representing the subset of voxels that will be stored in memory. This mask defines the sparse structure of the resulting SparseNeuroVec.


SparseNeuroVecSource inherits from:

See also

SparseNeuroVec-class for the resulting sparse 4D neuroimaging data class. LogicalNeuroVol-class for the mask representation.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Create a simple mask
mask_data <- array(runif(64*64*32) > 0.7, dim = c(64, 64, 32))
mask <- LogicalNeuroVol(mask_data, space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(64, 64, 32)))

# Create a SparseNeuroVecSource
sparse_source <- new("SparseNeuroVecSource", mask = mask)

# Use the source to create a SparseNeuroVec (pseudo-code)
# sparse_vec <- create_sparse_neuro_vec(sparse_source, data)
} # }