A class representing a five-dimensional brain image, where the first three dimensions are spatial, the fourth dimension is typically time or trials, and the fifth dimension represents features within a trial.
The NeuroHyperVec
class provides an efficient container for five-dimensional
neuroimaging data where spatial dimensions are sparse. It is particularly suited for
analyses involving multiple features per trial/timepoint, such as basis functions,
spectral components, or multi-modal measurements.
Five-Dimensional Sparse Neuroimaging Data Container
The class organizes data in a 5D structure:
Dimensions 1-3: Spatial coordinates (x, y, z)
Dimension 4: Trials or timepoints
Dimension 5: Features or measurements
Data is stored internally as a three-dimensional array for efficiency:
Dimensions 1: Features (dimension 5)
Dimensions 2: Trials (dimension 4)
Dimensions 3: Voxels (flattened spatial)
Key features:
Memory-efficient sparse storage of spatial dimensions
Fast access to feature vectors and time series
Flexible indexing across all dimensions
Maintains spatial relationships and metadata
An object of class
defining the sparse spatial domain of the brain image.data
A 3D array with dimensions [features x trials x voxels] containing the neuroimaging data.
object representing the dimensions and voxel spacing of the neuroimaging data.lookup_map
An integer vector for O(1) spatial index lookups.
object defining the spatial mask.data
A three-dimensional array with dimensions [features x trials x voxels] containing the data.
object defining the 5D space.lookup_map
An integer vector for O(1) spatial index lookups.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Create a simple 5D dataset (10x10x10 spatial, 5 trials, 3 features)
dims <- c(10, 10, 10)
space <- NeuroSpace(c(dims, 5, 3))
# Create a sparse mask (20% of voxels)
mask_data <- array(runif(prod(dims)) < 0.2, dims)
mask <- LogicalNeuroVol(mask_data, NeuroSpace(dims))
# Generate random data for active voxels
n_voxels <- sum(mask_data)
data <- array(rnorm(3 * 5 * n_voxels), dim = c(3, 5, n_voxels)) # [features x trials x voxels]
# Create NeuroHyperVec object
hvec <- NeuroHyperVec(data, space, mask)
# Access operations
# Get data for specific voxel across all trials/features
series(hvec, 5, 5, 5)
# Extract a 3D volume for specific trial and feature
} # }