Translating to AFNI 3dDeconvolve
Bradley R. Buchsbaum
Constructing an fMRI regression model and translating it for AFNI’s 3dDeconvolve
AFNI and other fMRI analysis packages have robust and efficient
methods for estimating voxelwise regression models. Therefore, it may be
beneficial to construct a regression model in R using
fmrireg and translate it so that it can be executed
using one of these packages. Here we provide a translation mechanism
from an fmri_model
object constructed with
to syntax and assocaited file required for
execution using AFNI’s 3dDeconvolve program.
A Simple Model
Lets begin again with a simple fMRI design.
cond <- c("face", "scene", "tool", "object")
NSTIM <- length(cond)*4
simple_design <- data.frame(stim=factor(sample(rep(cond, 4))),
ISI=sample(4:7, NSTIM, replace=TRUE),
run=rep(1, NSTIM),
Now we add onset information, construct a
, create a contrast, and then an
simple_design$onset <- cumsum(simple_design$ISI+2) -2
sframe <- sampling_frame(blocklens=70, TR=2)
con1 <- pair_contrast(~ stim == "face", ~stim == "scene", name="face_scene")
emodel <- event_model(onset ~ hrf(stim, contrasts=con1), data=simple_design, block = ~ run, sampling_frame=sframe)
## [1] "onset" "hrf(stim, contrasts = con1)"
We construct a baseline_model
using a B-spline
bmodel <- baseline_model(basis="bs", degree=5, sframe=sframe)
## baseline_model
## name: baseline_bs_5
## basis type: bs
## degree: 5
## drift columns: 5
## constant columns: 1
## nuisance columns: 0
## total columns: 6
## design_matrix:
## # A tibble: 70 × 6
## constant_global base_bs1_block_1 base_bs2_block_1 base_bs3_block_1
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 0 0 0
## 2 1 0.0684 0.00201 0.0000296
## 3 1 0.129 0.00769 0.000230
## 4 1 0.182 0.0165 0.000752
## 5 1 0.228 0.0281 0.00173
## 6 1 0.268 0.0419 0.00327
## 7 1 0.302 0.0576 0.00548
## 8 1 0.331 0.0747 0.00843
## 9 1 0.354 0.0929 0.0122
## 10 1 0.373 0.112 0.0168
## # ℹ 60 more rows
## # ℹ 2 more variables: base_bs4_block_1 <dbl>, base_bs5_block_1 <dbl>
We construct an fmri_model
fmodel <- fmri_model(emodel, bmodel)
Now we need to specify the data that the model will be estimated on. Let us pretend that we have a single 4d NIfTI file called “scan01.nii” and a mask file called “mask.nii”.
dset <- fmri_dataset(scans="scan01.nii",
We are now ready to construct an AFNI model specification. Note that all contrasts in the model will automatically be converted to AFNI-style general linear tests (GLTs).
## AFNI linear model via 3dDeconvolve
## working_dir: .
## number of GLTs: 1
## command line:
## 3dDeconvolve -input ./scan01.nii -mask ./mask.nii -polort -1 -global_times -num_stimts 4 -num_glt 1 -stim_file 1 stim#face_reg.1D -stim_file 2 stim#object_reg.1D -stim_file 3 stim#scene_reg.1D -stim_file 4 stim#tool_reg.1D -stim_label 1 stim#face -stim_label 2 stim#object -stim_label 3 stim#scene -stim_label 4 stim#tool -ortvec constant_1.1D constant_1 -ortvec baseline_bs_5_1.1D baseline_bs_5_1 -TR_times 1 -gltsym GLT_face_scene.txt -glt_label 1 GLT_face_scene -nofullf_atall -tout -cbucket coefout -bucket statout -jobs 1 -float
Also, note that since we include a set of b-spline nuisance
parameters in our model, polort
is set to have no baseline
regressors (polort = -1). We change that if we like:
## AFNI linear model via 3dDeconvolve
## working_dir: .
## number of GLTs: 1
## command line:
## 3dDeconvolve -input ./scan01.nii -mask ./mask.nii -polort 2 -global_times -num_stimts 4 -num_glt 1 -stim_file 1 stim#face_reg.1D -stim_file 2 stim#object_reg.1D -stim_file 3 stim#scene_reg.1D -stim_file 4 stim#tool_reg.1D -stim_label 1 stim#face -stim_label 2 stim#object -stim_label 3 stim#scene -stim_label 4 stim#tool -ortvec constant_1.1D constant_1 -ortvec baseline_bs_5_1.1D baseline_bs_5_1 -TR_times 1 -gltsym GLT_face_scene.txt -glt_label 1 GLT_face_scene -nofullf_atall -tout -cbucket coefout -bucket statout -jobs 1 -float
But this would essentially add two sets of drift regressors, which would be bad.
To send other options to the 3dDeconvolve
command we can
add them to the options
argument, e.g.
## AFNI linear model via 3dDeconvolve
## working_dir: .
## number of GLTs: 1
## command line:
## 3dDeconvolve -input ./scan01.nii -mask ./mask.nii -polort -1 -global_times -num_stimts 4 -num_glt 1 -stim_file 1 stim#face_reg.1D -stim_file 2 stim#object_reg.1D -stim_file 3 stim#scene_reg.1D -stim_file 4 stim#tool_reg.1D -stim_label 1 stim#face -stim_label 2 stim#object -stim_label 3 stim#scene -stim_label 4 stim#tool -ortvec constant_1.1D constant_1 -ortvec baseline_bs_5_1.1D baseline_bs_5_1 -TR_times 1 -gltsym GLT_face_scene.txt -glt_label 1 GLT_face_scene -nofullf_atall -cbucket coefout -bucket statout -jobs 1 -float
To execute the external 3dDeconvolve
command on the
system, we do as follows:
#run(alm, outdir="glm_out")