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An abstract base class for sparse four-dimensional brain image representations. This class provides the foundation for efficient storage and manipulation of large, sparse neuroimaging data.


The AbstractSparseNeuroVec class serves as a template for implementing various sparse representations of 4D brain images. It combines the spatial properties of NeuroVec with the efficiency of sparse data structures.



An object of class LogicalNeuroVol defining the sparse domain of the brain image. This mask indicates which voxels contain non-zero data.


An object of class IndexLookupVol used to map between spatial coordinates and index/row coordinates in the sparse representation.


Concrete implementations of this abstract class should provide specific data storage mechanisms and methods for efficient access and manipulation of sparse 4D brain image data.

See also

NeuroVec-class for the parent class. LogicalNeuroVol-class for the mask representation. IndexLookupVol-class for the spatial-to-index mapping.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# This is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly.
# Instead, use one of its concrete subclasses, such as SparseNeuroVec.
} # }