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Identifies and labels connected components in a 3D binary mask using a two-pass algorithm. The function supports different connectivity constraints and returns both component indices and their sizes.


conn_comp_3D(mask, connect = c("26-connect", "18-connect", "6-connect"))



A 3D logical array representing the binary mask


A character string specifying the connectivity constraint. One of "26-connect" (default), "18-connect", or "6-connect"


A list with the following components:


A 3D array of integers. Each non-zero value represents the cluster index of the connected component for that voxel. Zero values indicate background.


A 3D array of integers. Each non-zero value represents the size (number of voxels) of the connected component that the voxel belongs to. Zero values indicate background.


The function implements an efficient two-pass connected component labeling algorithm:

  • First pass: Assigns provisional labels and builds an equivalence table using a union-find data structure for label resolution

  • Second pass: Resolves label conflicts and assigns final component labels

The connectivity options determine which voxels are considered adjacent:

  • 6-connect: Only face-adjacent voxels (±1 step along each axis)

  • 18-connect: Face and edge-adjacent voxels

  • 26-connect: Face, edge, and vertex-adjacent voxels (all neighbors in a 3x3x3 cube)

Time complexity is O(n) where n is the number of voxels in the mask, with additional O(k) space for the union-find data structure where k is the number of provisional labels.


Rosenfeld, A., & Pfaltz, J. L. (1966). Sequential operations in digital picture processing. Journal of the ACM, 13(4), 471-494.

See also

array for creating 3D arrays, ClusteredNeuroVol for working with clustered neuroimaging data


# Create a simple 3D binary mask with two disconnected components
mask <- array(FALSE, c(4, 4, 4))
mask[1:2, 1:2, 1:2] <- TRUE  # First component
mask[3:4, 3:4, 3:4] <- TRUE  # Second component

# Extract components using different connectivity patterns
comps <- conn_comp_3D(mask, connect = "6-connect")

# Number of components
max_comps <- max(comps$index)
cat("Found", max_comps, "components\n")
#> Found 2 components

# Size of each component
unique_sizes <- unique(comps$size[comps$size > 0])
cat("Component sizes:", paste(unique_sizes, collapse=", "), "\n")
#> Component sizes: 8 

# Try with different connectivity
comps_26 <- conn_comp_3D(mask, connect = "26-connect")
cat("Number of components with 26-connectivity:", max(comps_26$index), "\n")
#> Number of components with 26-connectivity: 1