Generate Sample Dataset for MVPA Analysis
Creates a synthetic dataset for testing and demonstration of MVPA analyses.
- D
The data dimension(s): vector of length 2 or 3 for image data, or single number for surface data
- nobs
The number of observations
- response_type
Either 'categorical' or 'continuous'
- data_mode
Either 'image' or 'surface'
- spacing
The voxel spacing (default: c(1,1,1))
- blocks
The number of 'blocks' in the data (for cross-validation)
- nlevels
The number of category levels (only used if response_type='categorical')
- external_test
Whether to generate an external test set
- ntest_obs
The number of test observations (default: nobs)
- split_by
Optional factor for splitting analyses
- na_cols
The number of columns to randomly set to NA (default: 0)
A list containing:
- dataset
object containing:train_data
: Training data asNeuroVec
: Test data (if external_test=TRUE)mask
: Binary mask indicating valid voxels/vertices
- design
object containing:y_train
: Response variable for trainingy_test
: Response variable for test set (if external_test=TRUE)block_var
: Block variable for cross-validationsplit_by
: Optional splitting factor
# Generate categorical image dataset
dataset <- gen_sample_dataset(
D = c(10,10,10),
nobs = 100,
response_type = "categorical",
data_mode = "image",
blocks = 3,
nlevels = 2
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'i' in selecting a method for function '[<-': could not find function "coords"
# Generate continuous surface dataset
surf_data <- gen_sample_dataset(
D = 1000, # number of vertices
nobs = 50,
response_type = "continuous",
data_mode = "surface"
#> loading /Users/bbuchsbaum/Library/R/arm64/4.3/library/neuroim2/extdata/std.lh.smoothwm.asc
#> Error in assert_that(inherits(train_data, "NeuroSurfaceVector")): could not find function "assert_that"
# Generate dataset with external test set
test_dataset <- gen_sample_dataset(
D = c(8,8,8),
nobs = 80,
response_type = "categorical",
nlevels = 3,
external_test = TRUE
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'i' in selecting a method for function '[<-': could not find function "coords"